Getting Fancy.

I'm mad. Grrr!

Future dreams over future nightmares.

Who stole the cookies from the cookie jar?


Fluffy stole the cookies from the cookie jar.


Peek-A-Boo, I see you not doing your work.

On one of Grimm's missions to steal your art, he got a little paint on himself.

Rich Rat has time for tea.

Grimm is a Gremlin that is made of fur and bits of unwanted artwork. Whenever you lose your art supplies, it was Grimm that took them.

Uwu is the very first Acalap collectible.

Fluffy is the guardian for her town of sheep.

An art project from sixth grade on realism.

A land of disbelief.

This double sided artwork ended up producing some cool effects.

Acalaps on paint.


No, I'm a Cat Girl Dad!

Ice, and snow can make pretty colors when combined. Playing around with blues and any color I could think of when it came to a winter wonderland.

Better Than You


Distracted me from my schoolwork.

Imagining life outside the desert.

Feel free to buy my art. 😉

One night of fun can turn into a nightmare.

Pollution Awareness.

A day of sadness.

My Game Character in real life.

This pirate mermaid eats shrimp!

"Argh matey. Don't steal ye booty!" -Shrimp

I Don't Know

Beta version for Fluffy Rock Lightmoth.

Do you like flowers?

Shrimp's mermaid form.

Baby Pyrotechnics.
